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fragrance…a true asset

Bright Morning

Amber Night




Multi-Purpose SpaceClubhouses, rec-rooms, cafes, etc.
Pleasing aromas have been proven to relax and captivate people. Utilizing fragrance in a common area such as a multi-purpose room or clubhouse creates an environment inviting people to congregate and enjoy.
Recommended Diffusers:

Model UnitsSmall, medium, and large units
Staging models with stylish furniture and decor is such an important step when attracting new tenants. However, it is not complete without an inviting fragrance to meet them in their first few steps inside.
Recommended Diffusers:

Lobby/EntranceSmall, medium, and large spaces
First impressions are everything. Whether it is a potential new tenant or a visitor, the beautiful fragrance that greets them as they walk through your doors will boost their mood creating a lasting impression.
Recommended Diffusers:

Fitness CenterKeeps the gym feeling fresh
Spaces such as fitness centers and gyms naturally have the potential for unpleasant aromas. Our fragrance technology not only neutralizes odor but gives a feeling of being in a fresh and clean environment.
Recommended Diffusers:

HallwaysCorridors and tour paths
Fragrance along your tour hallways can help convert prospects into tenants. Our fragrance technology neutralizes odor that may creep into hallways and replaces it with a pleasant aroma, creating an enjoyable experience.
Recommended Diffusers:

Trash RoomEliminates odor of trash buildup
Controlling odor in the trash room is essential. Nobody wants to step out of the elevator to an unpleasant aroma following them to the door. Our technology not only controls odor but will produce a heavenly fragrance.