Scent Marketing For


Your guests deserve a sensory experience that will stick in their memories and encourage them to share their experience and return in the future.
Each year, more companies are introducing a scenting strategy to connect with their customers on a deeper level.
If you are looking for a more modern take on connecting with prospects, a scent marketing strategy can make all the difference in bringing in new customers and keeping repeat business.
With statistically-backed evidence specifying fragrance’s positive impact on consumer behavior, hoteliers are fast-commissioning exclusive, brand-defining scents diffused into professional air freshening systems for their lobbies, restaurants and guest rooms to further enhance their customer experiences.

What we know

Arizona Air-Scent understands the incredible benefits of a scent marketing strategy, and our products will help you successfully implement it. Fragrance, when applied correctly can attract customers, encourage them to browse longer, and improve brand perception and customer loyalty.

Scent marketing makes your business memorable. Our collection of fragrances and commercial diffusers offers various options to fit your needs.

Are you ready to enhance your business with scent marketing?
Hotel Lobby Image
According to Bloomberg, in 2015 an estimated $300 million was spent in the scent branding industry by hotels.
Experts claim the hotel scent branding industry is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 3.6% from 2015 to 2020.
Luxury Hotel Suite Image
Investments in Scent Marketing have made such a splash that hoteliers now offer signature fragrances from the day they open.

The Halo Effect

The perception of your multifamily community is based on more than just visuals. Why is that? It turns out, the answer lies in a phenomenon known as “the halo effect.”

In short, the Halo Effect describes a person’s cognitive bias toward something or someone based on a single trait. In terms of business, this means people are likely to perceive the value of your product or service based on other, unrelated traits or factors.

World-Class Equipment

The best way to incorporate fragrances is through commercial scent diffusers. There are a variety of options, from mini diffusers when power outlets are not available to lightweight dispensers that allow the scent to flow through vents. No matter the size of your property, there’s a diffuser to fit.

In addition, diffusers can be used in bathrooms, gyms, clubhouses, and more. Aroma scent marketing should expand to every aspect of your property, from the front door to a guest’s room.

Our expert technicians can scan your property and help determine what the best system is for each space.

Over 3,000 Fragrances

Our Master Perfumer has created some of the world’s most artful fragrance compositions. We can customize any fragrance to help our partners produce a unique and exclusive aroma.
Partnership Properties
Diffusers in Use
Signature Fragrances

Autoship Service

Our Autoship Service makes scenting your property simple, convenient, and consistent.

Arizona Air-Scent understands the importance of responsive service. We pride ourselves on 24/7 customer support.

We recognize the incredible benefits of a scent marketing strategy, and our products will help you successfully implement it.

Contact us today to set up an Autoship Service for your brand.